Sunday, August 17, 2008

We still did it.

Today's runners were Dave, Rodders and Emma.

Despite the fact that none of us really felt like running, we still did it. Before we'd even started we all wanted to just go home. Dave was fine, I've got the worst period pains in history (probably) and Emma just couldn't be arsed. Our aim for the day was a 2 hour long slow run. We all started off moaning like whinging old ladies, we took a shitty hill up to a shittier quagmire style path, did a circular round some kind of gas storage plant.

Bit weird that. Then we did the circular SWP run, then into the Ees for a rabbit run kind of magical mystery tour (looks great when you see it on Google earth haha) where we run up and along and through all these lovely little leafy paths in strange directions that we can vary every time we go there.

Dave says I have to write about the Canadian Geese that made us all chuckle because they couldn't swim against the current and were floating downstream. We also saw a cool bike with a small child on it with his Dad, Dave and Em were impressed but I think they just fancied the Dad tbh. Slappers.

So that's about it, we did just under 8 miles in about 90 minutes, not bad. Not slow. Not slow at all. No way was that slow. It was FAST.

Thank God for Steve and his mega brekkie. Well worth coming out on a Sunday morning for.

Oh and get a cat, they can help you learn to count. (Random I know)

The only other piece of advice I've learnt this week is that sometimes when you fart whilst running, it can loosen all the poo that's behind it and you have to be careful as a mess could ensue. Thanks for that Dave, I'll bear that in mind.
I'll leave that with you.
Rodders and Dave xx


Unknown said...

I am not well, I am feeling bleaugh, and I want it on record. I am self medicating with pain killers and I have the sorest sore throat that I can tell is about to precede the cold from hell.

I need a cuddle :-(

Unknown said...

and Motionbased has rounded my run up to 8.1 miles yippee