Monday, October 13, 2008

Look, it's Dave and Rodders!!!!!

Look, it's us!! Looking really really happy to have finished the GNR!!!!

What Dave said. And more random stuff too. As usual.

Yeah, pretty much what Dave said there. I loved the GNR, it was friendly, it was well organised (although a few more toilets wouldn't go amiss - then Dave and I wouldn't have to flash our arses in bushes) and it was a fabulous day! I even managed to get sunburn in October in England - how the hell can that happen?
Our drive to Newcastle was nice, shame about the 2 cars that got rear-ended on the A1, thank God it wasn't us. Dave's Aunties are fab, they took very good care of us and I think I love them. Thanks have to go especially to Auntie Maxine, for the bed for the night and the use of her socks. How on earth can someone organise to do a half marathon and then forget an absolutely necessary piece of kit like socks? R'Tard!!!!! They worked a treat and for that I'm eternally grateful.
The Garmin (car edition) got us there apart from a spacky ending which Dave rectified by taking the piss and laughing at me. More than once.
Had a couple of drinks in Newcastle the night before (not really sensible with hindsight) and had a good laugh at the half dressed slappers.
On the morning of the run, woke up after a brilliant dream about body-building squirrels who come out on the race day to pick up the packets of energy gels that are discarded by the runners, and then eat them. Thus turning them into super powered squirrels!! Seemed such a shame to have to wake up, never mind.
As usual, we didn't leave to get the metro on time, due to the simple fact that I find it almost impossible to be on time for anything. I can't help it, it's in the genes (possibly) so always assume I'll be 30 minutes (at least) later than I say I'll be. It'll save you getting annoyed with me. 5 Minutes after leaving the house, we got our first 'good luck and have fun' from a complete stranger - how nice is that?
Got to the start and need the loo almost instantly - must've been nerves. Waited for a bit in the queue and then decided to have a wee behind the portaloos. What fun. Sorry to all those who were in the queue and got wet trainers. Not really sorry at all to be honest lol.
Waited for a bit in the pink starters pen (sorry Dave, will get green next year, I promise) and listened to the radio guy being a dick for a while. Didn't hear the start of the run due to being so far back, but slowly started to edge forward. Took so long to get past the start-line I didn't think we were ever going to get there. Dave was delighted when she got mentioned on the radio, apparently I have to do another 2 before i can get a mention.
Blah blah run run.........Dave's written it all, and she DID shout at me, but I deserved it and she got me to the end. Bless her. Came in at about 30,000 and something. Official time 2 hours 37 minutes, Garmin time 2 hours 34 minutes. I'm going with the Garmin time as at least it stopped while we had another wee at mile 6. Classy huh? Needs must - as 'they' say!!

We got a lovely massage off the ERUK physios - I love them. Did a lot of stretching and then went to get some LOVELY chips and tea. Burned off over 1700 calories and really deserved it, I think.
Had a shower at Auntie Maxine's and then went to Dave's other Auntie's and had a lovely sarnie and more cups of tea.
I drove a little of the way home, there were loads of roadworks and it was tiring for poor me, so Dave drove the rest. Stopped for a coffee and it took us hours to get back to Manchester. Had to spend an hour when I got home unwinding but when I got to bed, I slept like a log. Brilliant!!! Had a short run on Monday morning and also on Tuesday morning, then rested my poor wee legs until Sunday when Dave and I had a fun run for a change. Was great to not have the pressure of an upcoming big run, but it won't be long until we're starting the training again for Wilmslow. Looking forward to that one already lol!!!! Nutter.


Rodders x

I'm still here!

Despite how it may look I haven't fallen off the face of the planet - have just been a lazy lard arse who can't be bothered to post! To all our millions of readers I offer my sincere apologies for my tardiness LOL!
Anyway GNR was fab, loved every minute of it and can't wait to do it again - especially the bit where I get to shout at Rodders, now that was fun!
Seriously, for the first time ever it all came together. I had a race plan which involved a quick walking break at every drinks station allowing me to view the race as smaller chunks and thus fooling my messy head into thinking I could do it rather than the usual I can't. Well, got to mile 3 and didn't feel at all like walking, even though we were that point heading in to 2.5 miles of constant up hill. 4.5 miles was the next walk break and again didn't need to use it. Did use the one at 6 miles to have a pee in a bush but that was neccessity rather than desire that forced that and then we were off again. The Nike power mile at mile 9 was fab - they were playing Snow Patrol and so rodders and I sang our way through a speedy mile (the music kept speeding us up!) and then hit the long hard slog of the last 2 mile hill. It was hard, it was hot, the Red Arrows did mildly distract us by making us want to cry and I lied to rodders twice about the sea being just over the top of the hill but we did it. the drop down to the seafront was a welcome relief and for me the last mile felt almost like the first. Crossed the finishing line with a big smile on my face and a tear in my eye and then proudly went to collect t shirt and medal with Rodders who despite having decided to get a medium t shirt this time opted for the large as it was a shorter distance to walk. Lots of stretching and getting changed in carparks followed then off for a fab massage at the Epilepsy Research tent. Then the best bit - chips and gravy and a cup of tea (HEAVEN!).
Was a long drive back after tea at my aunties (lovely big bowl of trifle with double cream to replace all of the 1800+ calories I'd burned) and slept a long and dreamless sleep.
Thanks to our super stretching strategy legs felt good the next day and a 2 mile bimble in the afternoon really sorted them out.
Rodders and I are having a couple of running for fun weeks before embarking on our next 1/2 marathon training programme ready for Wilmslow next March.
Dave x

Monday, October 06, 2008

WE DID IT!!!! AGAIN!!!!!

Another half marathon under our belts!!! Unfortunately I'm WAY too tired to write anything about it. So you'll have to wait until Dave or I have had a rest. I will tell you though, it was an amazing day. Thanks have to go to Dave who was BRILLIANT and kept me going for the whole run. Cheers mate, you're a diamond. Looking forward to the next challenge!!!!

Laters Rodders xx

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Last Run

Last night was our last run until the GNR.. we went out on an extremely wet and dark Manchester night for a slow one. It turned out to be incredibly slow due to Emma not being there and there being no-one to lead the group so Dave and I, being the kind and thoughful souls that we are, stayed to bring up the rear for the newbies or rather 1 new lady and one that always thinks she's dying and puts very little effort in and has to be cajoled and pussyfooted along. Is that a bitchy thing for me to write? well I'm a fat cow and I tried harder!! Dave will proabably say I'm a bitch but she's a bit more patient with people than I am. I have to be nice to people all bloody day, when I'm off i can be myself lol!!! Anyhow, we did about 4 miles in the pissing rain and it felt alright. Forgot my Garmin so I've no idea how fast or far, but it was SLOW!!!!!!
So we're absolutely ready for Sunday, it's going to be a great day, got my kit ready, got my fave socks and shoes and I'm raring to get it finished!!!! Looking forward to meeting all the ERU people before it starts as well, will be great fun!!
We're staying at Dave's aunties house in Newcastle, which is really kind of her, and I'm driving there so I hope my legs hold out lol!!
So I reckon the next thrilling installment of the blog will either be just before, so we can tell you all how much we're really bricking it, or just after to let you all know just how painful it was!!!

Rodders xxxxx