Monday, August 11, 2008

Operation 'mend dodgy hip' volume 1

Having studiously done my prescribed exercises and stretches on Saturday (and of course drank the obligatory too much wine) I arrived at CWP ready to try out my hip on its first run. Stood around waiting for Rodders to arrive as usual and comparing dodgy hip stories with Karen and Emma. Anyway Rodders FINALLY poles up (alive, no thanks to dodgy brakes!?!?).

The schedule called for 90-100 minutes and so I said I was aiming to do 45. Got called a slacker and had it pointed out that half of 100 is 50 told them all to f**k off and away we went. Anyway, all this talk of 45 and 50 minutes had scared poor Karen witless. When she'd texted to ask what we were planning to do I'd told her it wouldn't be a long run due to hip. Now what I hadn't accounted for was the difference in the definition of a long run that Karen and I have - Whoops!

Anyway we bimbled off and soon the moans of various aches and pains could be heard echoing as we plodded towards the Mersey. Stopped at Jacksons Boat for a stretch and then off to the Ees. For anyone who's reading this (cause I still convince myslef that people do read this!) who runs and hasn't run around Chorlton Ees - do it. It's a lovely place to run, babbling brooks, winding paths, shady spots, sunny spots - the whole thing makes you glad to be alive. And if you have a tendency to overheat whilst running then take Karen with you and she will get you rain on demand (has a direct line to the big guy so it would seem). We bimbled and plodded, Karen's knee collapsed and then got better, we dodged big puddles of mud and eventually were heading home. As we headed back to CWP hip started to feel a bit dodgy (it was no more than a dull ache for most of the run) so stopped and walked the last few hundred yards back with Karen whilst Emma & Rodders ran it. Did about 54 minutes in total (I think - haven't got the Gremlin here as I type) and hip just felt mildly painful (kind of dull ache) as I stretched.

Back for a cuppa at Rodders Car Cafe then home to apply ice and do my exercises and stretches (oooh and to eat my newly discovered (thanks to Rodders and the gorgeous Mr Mudd!) best ever breakfast of scrambled eggs with spinach and mushrooms YUMMY!

Monday morning and the hip's feeling good. Much less painful than it was last week with only a slight twinge when I walk. Hurray!!!!!

Having read Rodders panicky last post am now studiously avoiding reading the programme and working to the mantra of whatever it is I only have to do half!

Nothing interesting to say now so going to go.

Later skaters


Rodders and Dave said...

Steve'll be delighted you called him gorgeous. Those scrambled eggs rock don't they? Mmmmmmmmm.........

Rodders and Dave said...

Oh yeah they rock (esp when you have them on brown bread with real butter) mmmmm..............

Rodders and Dave said...

I'm not allowed real butter in my house. I think I'm neglected. Poor me. Poor fat me!

R x