Friday, August 15, 2008

Reluctant Reps

Finally dragged my sorry arse to the gym last night by convincing myself I'd just dick about a bit and then go home.
Started off with a gentle 10 minute warm up plod (although in my head this was at this point going to be the totality of my effort for the evening!)
As I was plodding saw there was a 12 minute interval programme and decided to give it a go. Set it up to do approx 10 minute miles and off Iwent. Well got to lap 5 and decided it was still nice and easy so did no more than wacked the button on the machine and started again! Did another 5 laps and then had a ten minute cool down to finish.

So guess I managed to do a variation of the reps on the training programme - was probably about 1/2 intensity so that's good and hip (although quite achy painful by the end of it) is not feeling too bad today.

Guess this means I've got my groove back although I think I'm goingto lay off doing anything else until Sunday to help my hip recover which will hopefully mean I can do more than 1/2 the required distance then!

Don't know what Rodders is up to as she's gone very quiet on me but hope she has the sense to make the most of this glorious day and go out for a plod before the shit weather of the weekend sets in.

Me - I'm stuck in hell until 5 and then 48 hours of freedom await!

Dave x

1 comment:

Unknown said...

what is sundays session?