Thursday, August 07, 2008

Thursday ramblings

I love the fact that Rodney can't do maths and also automatically assumes that I was faster then she was.
You were averaging 8 miles per hour to my 7 - in other words you were doing 7.5 minute miles and I was doing 8.5 minute miles.
Anyway, enough of the numbers, plodded semi successfully for 65 minutes last night. The air was quite clammy although the intermitent rain provided welcome relief. Rodders sailed round whereas my hip creaked and groaned (as did my bowels at one point).
Today am feeling pretty tired and have a bad headache which I think is hydration related so am pouring water down my neck. Hip is also hurting a bit (more of an ache than a hurt really) so I need to bite the bullet and go see a physio pretty soon I guess before I cripple myself and end up an inmate at one of Rodder's Flid Camps.
Not going to run today to give the hip a bit of respite so will do my Thursday bonkers run tomorrow - 45 minutes with 24 minutes at alternating 1/2 marathon/marathon/10k pace at one minute intervals. Reading that it's no flipping wonder my head hurts, how I'm meant to monitor that one I don't know - will probably just run and then see if by some flook my gremlin tells me I've done what it said on the tin.
Well I'm going now as can't think of anything quite as rambling and off the wall as Rodders to put here.
That said I'll leave you with a question: Cat burgers - tomato ketchup or brown sauce? Answers on a postcard to ...

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