Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Speed freaks

Having snuggled under the duvet to listen to the rain rather than venturing out in it this morning rang Rodders to see what she was up to and we decided to do reps together at my gym. Poled up and did a ten minute warm up whilst trying to convert miles into kilometres and wondering how the fook we were going to programme the treadmill to do what we wanted.
Anyway, warm up completed we had to do 2km at 10 minute mile pace. Wow that was easy to type and dead easy to read - now try running it! Rod and I started off all smiles and gradually descended into grimaces of a nature I never thought possible. But we did it - took about 12 minutes and 6 seconds or something like that. Quick wee break and then lap two. 1km at 10 min mile pace. Again faces a picture and have it to say it was a good job there were people around when Rod announced that we had 200m to go and it would have only taken that Boult bloke 18 seconds - thought my head would explode with the expletives trying to burst out of it. Another short walk break and then the same again followed by five minute cooldown.

We'd said we wanted to go for speed rather than distance and we certainly did - we both maintained the speed for the three reps and afterwards both reluctantly admitted that we could have done another and that in reality it was the thought of continuing the exertion rather than the exertion itself that was hard (I know what I mean).
That's another session under our belts and the rest of this week consists of 'easy' runs - woohoo!
Off now to stretch as can feel I've worked a few muscles tonight. Am sure Rod will be along later to add humour and randomness to the blog.
Dave xxx

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