Was feeling all brave yesterday so went on the Runners World Forum and asked why the next few weeks of the schedule weren't up and the nice kind trainer man posted it for me! Best bit is he appears to have read our diaries before creating it as he's slotted in a nice little 10k race next Sunday - woohoo!
Fri Aug 29 Rest
Sat Aug 30 30 mins easy or rest
Sun Aug 31 100 mins steady (9:45-10:15)
Mon Sep 1 Rest
Tues Sep 2 10 mins warm-up, then 5 x 1000m at 10K pace (in approx 5:30) with 90 sec recoveries, then 10 mins cool-down
Wed Sep 3 60 mins easy (10:00-10:30)
Thurs Sep 4 30 mins easy with middle 10 mins at 10k pace
Fri Sep 5 Rest
Sat Sep 6 Rest
Sun Sep 7 10k race
I'm gonig to try to do the Sunday 100minutes tonight as I'm having the weekend off and hopefully Rodders will be there too subject to the snotometer reading at 2pm today!
Dave x
Friday, August 29, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Combined posting...
In a vain attempt to hide my pathetic attempt at speedwork this week I'm doing one combined post for two runs ;o)
Went out on Tuesday evening with the intention of doing the bonkers speedwork mentioned in my last post but was so knacked that I ended up going for a lovely stroll down the canal for about 15 minutes before heading home to the comfort of my sofa - whoops!
Last night was much better though - went out for a run with the club (Northern Sole for our millions of followers who don't already know). Gentle 3.5 mile plod ended up being a bit of a speedwork session when I got a sudden urge to power up a hill and later decided to challenge Welsh whippet Clare to a bit of a race (not communicated verbally just through me speeding up then her speeding up a bit more and so on and so forth). Did this for about 1/2 a mile, jogged back to the group and then thought it would be a good idea to add a little sprint - hmmmmm. Decided to be grown up for about 5 minutes and then decided to have a final sprint finish. All in all I think my average pace was about 10 1/2 minute miles and have to say I thoroughly enjoyed it. Legs felt good, hip only ached slightly and lungs felt like they could go on and on. If only all my runs could be like that.
Just trying to work out when I can fit in a long run over the weekend and hoping that Rodders is back to good health so I can run with my partner in crime.
Went out on Tuesday evening with the intention of doing the bonkers speedwork mentioned in my last post but was so knacked that I ended up going for a lovely stroll down the canal for about 15 minutes before heading home to the comfort of my sofa - whoops!
Last night was much better though - went out for a run with the club (Northern Sole for our millions of followers who don't already know). Gentle 3.5 mile plod ended up being a bit of a speedwork session when I got a sudden urge to power up a hill and later decided to challenge Welsh whippet Clare to a bit of a race (not communicated verbally just through me speeding up then her speeding up a bit more and so on and so forth). Did this for about 1/2 a mile, jogged back to the group and then thought it would be a good idea to add a little sprint - hmmmmm. Decided to be grown up for about 5 minutes and then decided to have a final sprint finish. All in all I think my average pace was about 10 1/2 minute miles and have to say I thoroughly enjoyed it. Legs felt good, hip only ached slightly and lungs felt like they could go on and on. If only all my runs could be like that.
Just trying to work out when I can fit in a long run over the weekend and hoping that Rodders is back to good health so I can run with my partner in crime.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Lumpy Rodders
I really enjoyed the run Dave and I had on Friday, as she said, we did the Fallowfield 'loop' in a straight line and back, the weather was quite hot and humid but we did good. Had a little stretch at about a mile or so and it was sailing until the end. Good times.
Sunday was a different kettle of fish for me, although i reckon Dave got on a hell of a lot better and she certainly seemed to be 'miles' better than me. I always expect to be all tight and rubbish until the first 2 miles are up, then i get into my stride and everything falls into place. This morning though, whether it was the early start or the lack of cuppa tea before I got to Dave's I don't know, but I felt like shite. My legs were really bothering me, especially around the front of my ankles. I actually had lumps on the front of both legs at the ankle. Now that was weird, whether I've had it before and not noticed, or never had it before I'm not sure. Must remember to have a look on Wednesday night when we're out. Anyway, the canal side path was a lovely place to run, and as Dave said, we would have done the world of twitchers proud!! That swan was definitely a fat bugger though Dave!!
So we went off to Salford Quay, round the estates and the Lowry and stuff, nice run, nice and quiet with only some fishermen and old people, except for an overgrown bit where a bloke with no sense of humour scared the shit out of us by running very quietly up behind us, startled the bejeezus out of me anyway!!
The run back was shorter than the run out (or it seemed to be for me) and I recommend running the canal on an earlyish Sunday morning just for the sights, everything from fishermen (natch) a priest with a weird looking but cute dog (i think he was a priest) fat runners (us) and skinny girls that you could knock off a bridge with vibrations (don't ask) I hate that skinny girls in Lycra don't get a sweat on - are they actually running or just pretending and posing? Every other runner I know gets at least a bit sweaty and at least looks a bit out of breath. If you're not red faced and soaking in sweat you're not working hard enough!!!!!!!
I didn't do any running today (sorry Dave) as I feel like poo. Might as well say feel like shite cos I've used the word twice already. I'm at work now and feeling like a right miseryguts - although most of my colleagues would say I'm just the same as I usually am lol!! I'm sure I'll be fine for tomorrow night to go out with the girlies though. Must ask the boss (Dave) how far we're supposed to be doing. Damn you Runners World for not updating your training programmes!!!!
Going now, laters all
Sunday was a different kettle of fish for me, although i reckon Dave got on a hell of a lot better and she certainly seemed to be 'miles' better than me. I always expect to be all tight and rubbish until the first 2 miles are up, then i get into my stride and everything falls into place. This morning though, whether it was the early start or the lack of cuppa tea before I got to Dave's I don't know, but I felt like shite. My legs were really bothering me, especially around the front of my ankles. I actually had lumps on the front of both legs at the ankle. Now that was weird, whether I've had it before and not noticed, or never had it before I'm not sure. Must remember to have a look on Wednesday night when we're out. Anyway, the canal side path was a lovely place to run, and as Dave said, we would have done the world of twitchers proud!! That swan was definitely a fat bugger though Dave!!
So we went off to Salford Quay, round the estates and the Lowry and stuff, nice run, nice and quiet with only some fishermen and old people, except for an overgrown bit where a bloke with no sense of humour scared the shit out of us by running very quietly up behind us, startled the bejeezus out of me anyway!!
The run back was shorter than the run out (or it seemed to be for me) and I recommend running the canal on an earlyish Sunday morning just for the sights, everything from fishermen (natch) a priest with a weird looking but cute dog (i think he was a priest) fat runners (us) and skinny girls that you could knock off a bridge with vibrations (don't ask) I hate that skinny girls in Lycra don't get a sweat on - are they actually running or just pretending and posing? Every other runner I know gets at least a bit sweaty and at least looks a bit out of breath. If you're not red faced and soaking in sweat you're not working hard enough!!!!!!!
I didn't do any running today (sorry Dave) as I feel like poo. Might as well say feel like shite cos I've used the word twice already. I'm at work now and feeling like a right miseryguts - although most of my colleagues would say I'm just the same as I usually am lol!! I'm sure I'll be fine for tomorrow night to go out with the girlies though. Must ask the boss (Dave) how far we're supposed to be doing. Damn you Runners World for not updating your training programmes!!!!
Going now, laters all
New name
Think we should rename the blog 'Rodders & Dave are rubbish!' as we appear to have lost the ability to blog on a regular basis!
Last week's exploits after the reps from hell included a 60 minute bimble on Friday in which Rodders & I met in the carpark of Sainsburys and then did 30 minutes out 30 minutes back along the fallowfield loop (which isn't actually a loop is more of a straight line really but who cares about semantics!?!?!?!)
Was a good run, couple of stretchy breaks, very achy back and hip for Dave but generally enjoyable.
Sunday was long run - 90 minutes at sub 11 minute pace. Decided to go early due to family commitments for Dave and work commitments for Rod. We ran along the canal up to Salford and bimbled around the Quays. At 1 mile we discovered an odd lump on Rodders' 2 mile leg which freaked us out a bit but we decided to carry on an see if it got worse/better. At 2 miles it was still the same but after that Rod stopped moaning about her achy 2 mile leg meaning we subsequently forgot we needed to check if the potentially life threatening lump was still there (health & safety first - whoops!)
Have to say Bill Oddie would have been proud of us on this run - we were in twitchers heaven! First, we were stalked by a heron for most of the canal route and then encountered a rather cumbersome looking swan on the bridge at the Lowry. Also came across the lesser spotted moaning runner (aka Dave & Rodders) at regular intervals due to the early start/general climate/aches/pains moans that we manage to grumble about every time we go running and even at one point came across the 'everything I put in my mouth gives me stitch' bird (Rodders) at 4 miles when I foolishly gave her an energy gel!
Haven't had chance to download the Gremlin yet (too busy bopping to Bjorn Again and Heather Small for that malarky) but am sure most of the run was sub 11 with the mile before last dipping to sub 10 for the most part (Sorry Rodders, my energy gel must have kicked in big time).
This week we're making it up as we go along as the stupid people at Runners World haven't posted the new programme. I'm doing bonkers speedwork tonight - 1 minute sub 10 minutes with 30 seconds rest x 10 x 2 - don't know about Rodders!
Dave x
Last week's exploits after the reps from hell included a 60 minute bimble on Friday in which Rodders & I met in the carpark of Sainsburys and then did 30 minutes out 30 minutes back along the fallowfield loop (which isn't actually a loop is more of a straight line really but who cares about semantics!?!?!?!)
Was a good run, couple of stretchy breaks, very achy back and hip for Dave but generally enjoyable.
Sunday was long run - 90 minutes at sub 11 minute pace. Decided to go early due to family commitments for Dave and work commitments for Rod. We ran along the canal up to Salford and bimbled around the Quays. At 1 mile we discovered an odd lump on Rodders' 2 mile leg which freaked us out a bit but we decided to carry on an see if it got worse/better. At 2 miles it was still the same but after that Rod stopped moaning about her achy 2 mile leg meaning we subsequently forgot we needed to check if the potentially life threatening lump was still there (health & safety first - whoops!)
Have to say Bill Oddie would have been proud of us on this run - we were in twitchers heaven! First, we were stalked by a heron for most of the canal route and then encountered a rather cumbersome looking swan on the bridge at the Lowry. Also came across the lesser spotted moaning runner (aka Dave & Rodders) at regular intervals due to the early start/general climate/aches/pains moans that we manage to grumble about every time we go running and even at one point came across the 'everything I put in my mouth gives me stitch' bird (Rodders) at 4 miles when I foolishly gave her an energy gel!
Haven't had chance to download the Gremlin yet (too busy bopping to Bjorn Again and Heather Small for that malarky) but am sure most of the run was sub 11 with the mile before last dipping to sub 10 for the most part (Sorry Rodders, my energy gel must have kicked in big time).
This week we're making it up as we go along as the stupid people at Runners World haven't posted the new programme. I'm doing bonkers speedwork tonight - 1 minute sub 10 minutes with 30 seconds rest x 10 x 2 - don't know about Rodders!
Dave x
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Hungover + Gym Hell

Thought I'd better blog Tuesdays hell before the run tomorrow (Fri)
I hated virtually every second of those reps lol!!! Dave called me and asked me if I'd done them yet, and of course I hadn't. So we arranged to go to the gym. Hmmmm, well I was going to go to my own little friendly non-pretentious gym, but was invited to posh city-centre gym instead. Don't get me wrong, it had everything you need in a gym, all the equipment you could ever need, it was spacious, the air conditioning was lovely. It also had 99% skinny, Lycra clad (males and females) exercising without breaking a sweat. Off putting to say the least when you go bright red and sweat like a you-know-what after one 2km rep lol!! Still, we made the best of it, as Dave blogged, we did 1 x 2km rep and it was like we were trying to commit suicide. Too much, we're not that good lol. Although, as usual we modified the Rodders and Dave was and still got the most out of our run. We decided to go for speed over distance for a change. 1km reps feeling just as hard, and achieving a good speed (as detailed with Dave, thanks for remembering all that, you're a diamond x)
I enjoyed it anyway, although my tendonitis didn't the next day - cured by wearing high heels in the evening though - hurrah for nights out on the booze and curry!!
Have embarked on a proper weight loss programme to see if i can lose a few pounds before the GNR, maybe nights out on the booze and curry aren't what i need huh? It doesn't happen all that often though. Might even get the wii fit out tomorrow!!!
Dave and I have arranged to meet tomorrow and do our 60min run, so now all I've got to catch up with is a 45 minute easy run (I think) God I'm looking forward to it lol. Running was so much better fun when we used to do it for the hell of it. I look forward to doing that again -although we'll probably end up entering something else lol - and we have to do the Wilmslow Half again next year to see if we can do it faster than we did it this year, and that's how they get you, you enter one race and then you have to enter again the next year to see if you're any better. Grrrr damn you competitiveness (and stupidity)
Laters all,
Rod x
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Speed freaks
Having snuggled under the duvet to listen to the rain rather than venturing out in it this morning rang Rodders to see what she was up to and we decided to do reps together at my gym. Poled up and did a ten minute warm up whilst trying to convert miles into kilometres and wondering how the fook we were going to programme the treadmill to do what we wanted.
Anyway, warm up completed we had to do 2km at 10 minute mile pace. Wow that was easy to type and dead easy to read - now try running it! Rod and I started off all smiles and gradually descended into grimaces of a nature I never thought possible. But we did it - took about 12 minutes and 6 seconds or something like that. Quick wee break and then lap two. 1km at 10 min mile pace. Again faces a picture and have it to say it was a good job there were people around when Rod announced that we had 200m to go and it would have only taken that Boult bloke 18 seconds - thought my head would explode with the expletives trying to burst out of it. Another short walk break and then the same again followed by five minute cooldown.
We'd said we wanted to go for speed rather than distance and we certainly did - we both maintained the speed for the three reps and afterwards both reluctantly admitted that we could have done another and that in reality it was the thought of continuing the exertion rather than the exertion itself that was hard (I know what I mean).
That's another session under our belts and the rest of this week consists of 'easy' runs - woohoo!
Off now to stretch as can feel I've worked a few muscles tonight. Am sure Rod will be along later to add humour and randomness to the blog.
Dave xxx
Anyway, warm up completed we had to do 2km at 10 minute mile pace. Wow that was easy to type and dead easy to read - now try running it! Rod and I started off all smiles and gradually descended into grimaces of a nature I never thought possible. But we did it - took about 12 minutes and 6 seconds or something like that. Quick wee break and then lap two. 1km at 10 min mile pace. Again faces a picture and have it to say it was a good job there were people around when Rod announced that we had 200m to go and it would have only taken that Boult bloke 18 seconds - thought my head would explode with the expletives trying to burst out of it. Another short walk break and then the same again followed by five minute cooldown.
We'd said we wanted to go for speed rather than distance and we certainly did - we both maintained the speed for the three reps and afterwards both reluctantly admitted that we could have done another and that in reality it was the thought of continuing the exertion rather than the exertion itself that was hard (I know what I mean).
That's another session under our belts and the rest of this week consists of 'easy' runs - woohoo!
Off now to stretch as can feel I've worked a few muscles tonight. Am sure Rod will be along later to add humour and randomness to the blog.
Dave xxx
Monday, August 18, 2008
One for you Rodders..
Have a look at this: http://news.bbc.co.uk/player/sol/newsid_6970000/newsid_6972100/6972118.stm?bw=bb&mp=wm&news=1&ms3=6&ms_javascript=true&bbcws=2
Where it hits the housing estate is where the 2 miles of pure hill hits. But then look at that coastline towards the end - pure heaven!
Where it hits the housing estate is where the 2 miles of pure hill hits. But then look at that coastline towards the end - pure heaven!
Sunday, August 17, 2008
We still did it.
Today's runners were Dave, Rodders and Emma.
Despite the fact that none of us really felt like running, we still did it. Before we'd even started we all wanted to just go home. Dave was fine, I've got the worst period pains in history (probably) and Emma just couldn't be arsed. Our aim for the day was a 2 hour long slow run. We all started off moaning like whinging old ladies, we took a shitty hill up to a shittier quagmire style path, did a circular round some kind of gas storage plant.
Bit weird that. Then we did the circular SWP run, then into the Ees for a rabbit run kind of magical mystery tour (looks great when you see it on Google earth haha) where we run up and along and through all these lovely little leafy paths in strange directions that we can vary every time we go there.
Dave says I have to write about the Canadian Geese that made us all chuckle because they couldn't swim against the current and were floating downstream. We also saw a cool bike with a small child on it with his Dad, Dave and Em were impressed but I think they just fancied the Dad tbh. Slappers.
So that's about it, we did just under 8 miles in about 90 minutes, not bad. Not slow. Not slow at all. No way was that slow. It was FAST.
Thank God for Steve and his mega brekkie. Well worth coming out on a Sunday morning for.
Oh and get a cat, they can help you learn to count. (Random I know)
The only other piece of advice I've learnt this week is that sometimes when you fart whilst running, it can loosen all the poo that's behind it and you have to be careful as a mess could ensue. Thanks for that Dave, I'll bear that in mind.
I'll leave that with you.
Rodders and Dave xx
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Lazy Bint
I've been far too lazy this week. Haven't really done much and I'll probably suffer tomorrow as a result. Ah well, I wish I could just win the lottery and give up working and just run when I want to instead of having to try and fit it in after a double shift (not possible) or on a day off when all i want to do is stay in bed and sleep for 2 days. I'm fed up. I need someone to run for me when I'm too tired. It's not motivation, I've got that. I'm just physically knackered. Bah bloody humbug. Oh well, here's looking forward to tomorrows long run.
Think it's a 2-hour bloody marathon lol!!! Great.
Think it's a 2-hour bloody marathon lol!!! Great.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Reluctant Reps
Finally dragged my sorry arse to the gym last night by convincing myself I'd just dick about a bit and then go home.
Started off with a gentle 10 minute warm up plod (although in my head this was at this point going to be the totality of my effort for the evening!)
As I was plodding saw there was a 12 minute interval programme and decided to give it a go. Set it up to do approx 10 minute miles and off Iwent. Well got to lap 5 and decided it was still nice and easy so did no more than wacked the button on the machine and started again! Did another 5 laps and then had a ten minute cool down to finish.
So guess I managed to do a variation of the reps on the training programme - was probably about 1/2 intensity so that's good and hip (although quite achy painful by the end of it) is not feeling too bad today.
Guess this means I've got my groove back although I think I'm goingto lay off doing anything else until Sunday to help my hip recover which will hopefully mean I can do more than 1/2 the required distance then!
Don't know what Rodders is up to as she's gone very quiet on me but hope she has the sense to make the most of this glorious day and go out for a plod before the shit weather of the weekend sets in.
Me - I'm stuck in hell until 5 and then 48 hours of freedom await!
Dave x
Started off with a gentle 10 minute warm up plod (although in my head this was at this point going to be the totality of my effort for the evening!)
As I was plodding saw there was a 12 minute interval programme and decided to give it a go. Set it up to do approx 10 minute miles and off Iwent. Well got to lap 5 and decided it was still nice and easy so did no more than wacked the button on the machine and started again! Did another 5 laps and then had a ten minute cool down to finish.
So guess I managed to do a variation of the reps on the training programme - was probably about 1/2 intensity so that's good and hip (although quite achy painful by the end of it) is not feeling too bad today.
Guess this means I've got my groove back although I think I'm goingto lay off doing anything else until Sunday to help my hip recover which will hopefully mean I can do more than 1/2 the required distance then!
Don't know what Rodders is up to as she's gone very quiet on me but hope she has the sense to make the most of this glorious day and go out for a plod before the shit weather of the weekend sets in.
Me - I'm stuck in hell until 5 and then 48 hours of freedom await!
Dave x
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Aw Poor Dave!!
Dave, get your sorry arse in gear and get out and do some training. I'm not having any of this feeling sorry for yourself lark. I work shite hours (double shifts) and weekends etc and still manage to get out!! All you've got to do today is 35 sodding 'easy' minutes!!!!
There's no way you're embarrassing me at the GNR by running like a spacker!!!
I'm only kidding mate, everyone feels like shite sometimes, just have a rest and get yourself together and get out when you feel better. There's no point forcing yourself to run when you're not feeling your best. Hopefully you'll be back on form soon. If not I'll cheer you up on Sunday!!!!
Oh and BTW, I won't be at the club tonight, I'm on a double shift, so I'll have to do my 70 minutes tomorrow.
Laters xxRoddersxx
There's no way you're embarrassing me at the GNR by running like a spacker!!!
I'm only kidding mate, everyone feels like shite sometimes, just have a rest and get yourself together and get out when you feel better. There's no point forcing yourself to run when you're not feeling your best. Hopefully you'll be back on form soon. If not I'll cheer you up on Sunday!!!!
Oh and BTW, I won't be at the club tonight, I'm on a double shift, so I'll have to do my 70 minutes tomorrow.
Laters xxRoddersxx
Dave's lost her groove!
Not run since Sunday, no inclination to run B4 next Sunday. Don't want to get out of bed B4 8.30am and have to be at work for 9 so no running potential there!
H E L P!
Not run since Sunday, no inclination to run B4 next Sunday. Don't want to get out of bed B4 8.30am and have to be at work for 9 so no running potential there!
H E L P!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Tuesday 12th August
Omg, what crappy weather!!!!
Today was 200m reps, sub 5k pace (<10 minute mile)
I have no idea how long they took me, as usual I haven't had time to look at the stats on the Gremlin. I decided to change how I did them though - the Rodders Modification technique. Well I thought that if Dave was only doing half of them, I may as well feck about with what I was doing. SO...... I did 10 minutes warm up at 11.00 minute miles, then 12 x 200m reps at sub 10 minute miles with a 30 sec walk break in between. Harder than it sounds!! Instead of a cool down and because i hadn't really planned it well enough, I had a 5 min walk back to my house. I was lucky enough to have found that very rare 45 minutes or so when it wasn't p***ing down. Which was nice.
When I started, however, I started with the 200m reps and the 90 sec easy run break, then decided after 4 reps that it was going to take me too long. After all I do have a life (i mean work by that) and couldn't be arsed with the hassle, so i had to stop and re-programme the Gremlin, which is always fun lol!!
So no major problems, the reps went ok, didn't miss any, didn't have any missiles thrown at me. Got the usual 'why's that fat bird running?' looks, and a couple of 'C'mon love you're nearly there' comments. Much more civilised than Didsbury. I can't make the running club tomorrow due to the fact that I'm working a double shift. God knows how I'm going to fit a 70min 'easy run' into this week!!! Dave's lucky, she's skiving with her half-training schedule. This blogging at least my workmates only get half of the boring running stuff, I can write the rest of it here and bore the invisible people that I've convinced myself read this!!!!
Have fun
Today was 200m reps, sub 5k pace (<10 minute mile)
I have no idea how long they took me, as usual I haven't had time to look at the stats on the Gremlin. I decided to change how I did them though - the Rodders Modification technique. Well I thought that if Dave was only doing half of them, I may as well feck about with what I was doing. SO...... I did 10 minutes warm up at 11.00 minute miles, then 12 x 200m reps at sub 10 minute miles with a 30 sec walk break in between. Harder than it sounds!! Instead of a cool down and because i hadn't really planned it well enough, I had a 5 min walk back to my house. I was lucky enough to have found that very rare 45 minutes or so when it wasn't p***ing down. Which was nice.
When I started, however, I started with the 200m reps and the 90 sec easy run break, then decided after 4 reps that it was going to take me too long. After all I do have a life (i mean work by that) and couldn't be arsed with the hassle, so i had to stop and re-programme the Gremlin, which is always fun lol!!
So no major problems, the reps went ok, didn't miss any, didn't have any missiles thrown at me. Got the usual 'why's that fat bird running?' looks, and a couple of 'C'mon love you're nearly there' comments. Much more civilised than Didsbury. I can't make the running club tomorrow due to the fact that I'm working a double shift. God knows how I'm going to fit a 70min 'easy run' into this week!!! Dave's lucky, she's skiving with her half-training schedule. This blogging at least my workmates only get half of the boring running stuff, I can write the rest of it here and bore the invisible people that I've convinced myself read this!!!!
Have fun
Monday, August 11, 2008
Sunday 10th August
As Dave said, I was late as usual. You'd think everyone else would be used to it by now. Was nice to see Karen again. Emma was with us as usual. We had no Cerys this week as she decided that going to Prague was more fun. Can you imagine that? She's weird.
Had a good run at CWP, as usual my right shin was giving me gyp. A quick stretch sorted that, went around the Ees as Dave said. Nothing much more to report as I'm having a hangover style PMT day which means that there will be no amusement or fun. Although for some reason, people seem to think it's funny when I'm in a bad mood. The b***ards.
I enjoyed the run, could have done more, which is great, but for now am sticking with my faithful running buddy. If she has to 50% then so will I!!! Which is a great excuse for being lazy on a Sunday morning. But will continue the training plan for the rest of the week as best I can. Going to go to the gym as it's easier to work out the reps this week. Anyone know how 10 minute miles equates in km? If I'm supposed to do a 10 minute mile pace, then how does that look for 200m in km? Does that make sense? I'm no good at numbers, I'm better at ballet than numbers lol!!!
Rodders x
Thanks to Emma for putting a pic on FB of me looking like a 'tard, Karen flashing her Chapel Hat Pegs, and Dave looking ... well not her best. You will regret that Copson, I WILL get you back.
Consider yourself warned!!!!!
Had a good run at CWP, as usual my right shin was giving me gyp. A quick stretch sorted that, went around the Ees as Dave said. Nothing much more to report as I'm having a hangover style PMT day which means that there will be no amusement or fun. Although for some reason, people seem to think it's funny when I'm in a bad mood. The b***ards.
I enjoyed the run, could have done more, which is great, but for now am sticking with my faithful running buddy. If she has to 50% then so will I!!! Which is a great excuse for being lazy on a Sunday morning. But will continue the training plan for the rest of the week as best I can. Going to go to the gym as it's easier to work out the reps this week. Anyone know how 10 minute miles equates in km? If I'm supposed to do a 10 minute mile pace, then how does that look for 200m in km? Does that make sense? I'm no good at numbers, I'm better at ballet than numbers lol!!!
Rodders x
Thanks to Emma for putting a pic on FB of me looking like a 'tard, Karen flashing her Chapel Hat Pegs, and Dave looking ... well not her best. You will regret that Copson, I WILL get you back.
Consider yourself warned!!!!!
great north run,
Operation 'mend dodgy hip' volume 1
Having studiously done my prescribed exercises and stretches on Saturday (and of course drank the obligatory too much wine) I arrived at CWP ready to try out my hip on its first run. Stood around waiting for Rodders to arrive as usual and comparing dodgy hip stories with Karen and Emma. Anyway Rodders FINALLY poles up (alive, no thanks to dodgy brakes!?!?).
The schedule called for 90-100 minutes and so I said I was aiming to do 45. Got called a slacker and had it pointed out that half of 100 is 50 told them all to f**k off and away we went. Anyway, all this talk of 45 and 50 minutes had scared poor Karen witless. When she'd texted to ask what we were planning to do I'd told her it wouldn't be a long run due to hip. Now what I hadn't accounted for was the difference in the definition of a long run that Karen and I have - Whoops!
Anyway we bimbled off and soon the moans of various aches and pains could be heard echoing as we plodded towards the Mersey. Stopped at Jacksons Boat for a stretch and then off to the Ees. For anyone who's reading this (cause I still convince myslef that people do read this!) who runs and hasn't run around Chorlton Ees - do it. It's a lovely place to run, babbling brooks, winding paths, shady spots, sunny spots - the whole thing makes you glad to be alive. And if you have a tendency to overheat whilst running then take Karen with you and she will get you rain on demand (has a direct line to the big guy so it would seem). We bimbled and plodded, Karen's knee collapsed and then got better, we dodged big puddles of mud and eventually were heading home. As we headed back to CWP hip started to feel a bit dodgy (it was no more than a dull ache for most of the run) so stopped and walked the last few hundred yards back with Karen whilst Emma & Rodders ran it. Did about 54 minutes in total (I think - haven't got the Gremlin here as I type) and hip just felt mildly painful (kind of dull ache) as I stretched.
Back for a cuppa at Rodders Car Cafe then home to apply ice and do my exercises and stretches (oooh and to eat my newly discovered (thanks to Rodders and the gorgeous Mr Mudd!) best ever breakfast of scrambled eggs with spinach and mushrooms YUMMY!
Monday morning and the hip's feeling good. Much less painful than it was last week with only a slight twinge when I walk. Hurray!!!!!
Having read Rodders panicky last post am now studiously avoiding reading the programme and working to the mantra of whatever it is I only have to do half!
Nothing interesting to say now so going to go.
Later skaters
The schedule called for 90-100 minutes and so I said I was aiming to do 45. Got called a slacker and had it pointed out that half of 100 is 50 told them all to f**k off and away we went. Anyway, all this talk of 45 and 50 minutes had scared poor Karen witless. When she'd texted to ask what we were planning to do I'd told her it wouldn't be a long run due to hip. Now what I hadn't accounted for was the difference in the definition of a long run that Karen and I have - Whoops!
Anyway we bimbled off and soon the moans of various aches and pains could be heard echoing as we plodded towards the Mersey. Stopped at Jacksons Boat for a stretch and then off to the Ees. For anyone who's reading this (cause I still convince myslef that people do read this!) who runs and hasn't run around Chorlton Ees - do it. It's a lovely place to run, babbling brooks, winding paths, shady spots, sunny spots - the whole thing makes you glad to be alive. And if you have a tendency to overheat whilst running then take Karen with you and she will get you rain on demand (has a direct line to the big guy so it would seem). We bimbled and plodded, Karen's knee collapsed and then got better, we dodged big puddles of mud and eventually were heading home. As we headed back to CWP hip started to feel a bit dodgy (it was no more than a dull ache for most of the run) so stopped and walked the last few hundred yards back with Karen whilst Emma & Rodders ran it. Did about 54 minutes in total (I think - haven't got the Gremlin here as I type) and hip just felt mildly painful (kind of dull ache) as I stretched.
Back for a cuppa at Rodders Car Cafe then home to apply ice and do my exercises and stretches (oooh and to eat my newly discovered (thanks to Rodders and the gorgeous Mr Mudd!) best ever breakfast of scrambled eggs with spinach and mushrooms YUMMY!
Monday morning and the hip's feeling good. Much less painful than it was last week with only a slight twinge when I walk. Hurray!!!!!
Having read Rodders panicky last post am now studiously avoiding reading the programme and working to the mantra of whatever it is I only have to do half!
Nothing interesting to say now so going to go.
Later skaters
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Friday, August 08, 2008
It's official...
I am a tight ass!
Well according to my extremely attractive physio I am anyway ;o)
Finally plucked up the courage to go and get myself sorted as the pain in my hip was really getting me down.
It turns out that a combination of my flat feet and a damaged ass muscle have managed to reduce my shock absorbtion capacity to virtually zero meaning that Yes Rodders I do run like a spakker!
I'm basically overpronating to the point of collapse on my right side which is pulling on my iliotibial band (are you impressed Emma) and all the gubins at the top of it (Sorry but one long technical term is my limit!) and it's this that's causing me all the pain.
I've come away with a set of exercises to build up the non existent muscles that work my arches and to strengthen my knees and hip flexors, a set of stretches to loosen up my tight ass (and boy did it feel good after I'd done those) and strict instructions to either:
1. cut my training by 50% for the next two weeks or,
2. pay him lots of money to treat the inflamed tortured area whilst I stupidly continue to train at full pelt
Hmmm answers on a postcard please!
Have to say i'm glad I went not least because he was a lovely man but more importantly because now I know that it's soft tissue damage and it could get better rather than worrying myself stupid and thinking I'd got osteo-arthritis and needed to sign on the dotted line for a new hip!
So Rodders, it's up to you! I'm now on for 50 minutes on Sunday (1/2 of the 100??? we're supposed to do) and then for speedwork I have to do 1/2 the distance so will be 100metre reps for me. Let me know how you want to play it
Later skater
Well according to my extremely attractive physio I am anyway ;o)
Finally plucked up the courage to go and get myself sorted as the pain in my hip was really getting me down.
It turns out that a combination of my flat feet and a damaged ass muscle have managed to reduce my shock absorbtion capacity to virtually zero meaning that Yes Rodders I do run like a spakker!
I'm basically overpronating to the point of collapse on my right side which is pulling on my iliotibial band (are you impressed Emma) and all the gubins at the top of it (Sorry but one long technical term is my limit!) and it's this that's causing me all the pain.
I've come away with a set of exercises to build up the non existent muscles that work my arches and to strengthen my knees and hip flexors, a set of stretches to loosen up my tight ass (and boy did it feel good after I'd done those) and strict instructions to either:
1. cut my training by 50% for the next two weeks or,
2. pay him lots of money to treat the inflamed tortured area whilst I stupidly continue to train at full pelt
Hmmm answers on a postcard please!
Have to say i'm glad I went not least because he was a lovely man but more importantly because now I know that it's soft tissue damage and it could get better rather than worrying myself stupid and thinking I'd got osteo-arthritis and needed to sign on the dotted line for a new hip!
So Rodders, it's up to you! I'm now on for 50 minutes on Sunday (1/2 of the 100??? we're supposed to do) and then for speedwork I have to do 1/2 the distance so will be 100metre reps for me. Let me know how you want to play it
Later skater
Will Dave stop moaning?
Poor Dave's having a rotten time. Eating like a pig and running like a spacker. Lol, only kidding Dave!!!
I went out for my 45 minutes of torture at Chorlton Water Park (CWP)- it's a lovely day. I don't really like lovely days, they don't agree with me. It's too hot. I decided to do 23 minutes out and 22 minutes back (see what I did there?) but just as I left Sale Water Park (SWP), I got tumbled by 2 big dogs called Becks and Sparky (after David Beckham and Mark Hughes apparently) who were big Labradors and soaking wet and covered in mud. Well I couldn't refuse to throw a ball or 2 for them could I? Seemed rude. Plus running's supposed to be fun so why not stop and smell the wet dog now and again eh?
I ran down the Mersey and across the bridge again into the top part of CWP, sweating like a...... anyway. Realised that I'd only done 43 minutes or so and then though 'bollocks' what's 2 minutes. But then I realised again that 2 minutes is 2 minutes of training that'll bring me closer to the 2.30 half marathon time I want to achieve or beat. Buggeration. Now I feel rotten.
As always I have no idea how well I've done as I haven't had time to download the gremlin. Having a rest day tomorrow so will do it all then.
Oh, and ANOTHER day of not smoking. Yay!!!
Laters x
I went out for my 45 minutes of torture at Chorlton Water Park (CWP)- it's a lovely day. I don't really like lovely days, they don't agree with me. It's too hot. I decided to do 23 minutes out and 22 minutes back (see what I did there?) but just as I left Sale Water Park (SWP), I got tumbled by 2 big dogs called Becks and Sparky (after David Beckham and Mark Hughes apparently) who were big Labradors and soaking wet and covered in mud. Well I couldn't refuse to throw a ball or 2 for them could I? Seemed rude. Plus running's supposed to be fun so why not stop and smell the wet dog now and again eh?
I ran down the Mersey and across the bridge again into the top part of CWP, sweating like a...... anyway. Realised that I'd only done 43 minutes or so and then though 'bollocks' what's 2 minutes. But then I realised again that 2 minutes is 2 minutes of training that'll bring me closer to the 2.30 half marathon time I want to achieve or beat. Buggeration. Now I feel rotten.
As always I have no idea how well I've done as I haven't had time to download the gremlin. Having a rest day tomorrow so will do it all then.
Oh, and ANOTHER day of not smoking. Yay!!!
Laters x
great north run,
What is it with all these complications - why can't I just run at an oddly slow pace for as long as I like. Whoever designed this training programme does not run in the city centre! My gremlin ranged from 6 minute to 15 minute miles all within the space of 30 seconds and so with my head ready to explode I decided to just bl**dy run! Did the prescribed 45 minutes at around 10 1/2 minute mile pace I think but still have a hurty hip so it won't go down in history as a great run but it's another one done and that's the main thing.
Still eating like miss piggy - had a bowl of porridge after my dinner last night as I was starving.
So far today have had the usual bowl of porridge with raisins and a banana and 1/2 a melon (oh and a huge filling at the dentist ouch!?!?).
Can't think of any thing rambling to write so going to go and play word twist now!
Still eating like miss piggy - had a bowl of porridge after my dinner last night as I was starving.
So far today have had the usual bowl of porridge with raisins and a banana and 1/2 a melon (oh and a huge filling at the dentist ouch!?!?).
Can't think of any thing rambling to write so going to go and play word twist now!
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Rodders Rambles
Since I seem to go off at tangents most of the time, I'll try to be to the point. Wednesdays run was a good 'un for most part. We ran as a group for the first 35 ish mins (with Northern Sole) then Dave an I branched off and it started to rain - oh but before that some twat outside a pub asked us why we were running and threw a beer bottle at us. I have a name for those kind of people, it begins with a 'c' and ends in 'unts'.
I've gone off on a tangent already. Can't really help it. So, Dave and I branched off to finish the rest of our 65 minutes. Of course, as soon as we do, it starts to rain. Then Dave needs a poo so we have to find a pub, then we decide that we don't want to run past a big group of girls.
So Palatine Road gets a beating, only by the time we get to the end of Palatine Road we haven't done 65 mins (cos we're sooooooooooo fast) so we have to run around like loons to make it up. Ended up halfway down Barlow Moor Road as well (still raining at this point) Had a great laugh in the process though, felt for Dave cos her hip hurt though. Felt brilliant myself 'cos I don't smoke yay!!!!!
Feel knackered today, and i've been at work since 7.30 am and it's onlu 8.30pm. Poor me.
Looking forward to doing the splits tomorrow (I love saying that lol) 45 minutes of probable hell. But, If Dave can do it, I'm bloody sure I'm going to as well.
Laters xRoddersx
I've gone off on a tangent already. Can't really help it. So, Dave and I branched off to finish the rest of our 65 minutes. Of course, as soon as we do, it starts to rain. Then Dave needs a poo so we have to find a pub, then we decide that we don't want to run past a big group of girls.
So Palatine Road gets a beating, only by the time we get to the end of Palatine Road we haven't done 65 mins (cos we're sooooooooooo fast) so we have to run around like loons to make it up. Ended up halfway down Barlow Moor Road as well (still raining at this point) Had a great laugh in the process though, felt for Dave cos her hip hurt though. Felt brilliant myself 'cos I don't smoke yay!!!!!
Feel knackered today, and i've been at work since 7.30 am and it's onlu 8.30pm. Poor me.
Looking forward to doing the splits tomorrow (I love saying that lol) 45 minutes of probable hell. But, If Dave can do it, I'm bloody sure I'm going to as well.
Laters xRoddersx
great north run,
Thursday ramblings
I love the fact that Rodney can't do maths and also automatically assumes that I was faster then she was.
You were averaging 8 miles per hour to my 7 - in other words you were doing 7.5 minute miles and I was doing 8.5 minute miles.
Anyway, enough of the numbers, plodded semi successfully for 65 minutes last night. The air was quite clammy although the intermitent rain provided welcome relief. Rodders sailed round whereas my hip creaked and groaned (as did my bowels at one point).
Today am feeling pretty tired and have a bad headache which I think is hydration related so am pouring water down my neck. Hip is also hurting a bit (more of an ache than a hurt really) so I need to bite the bullet and go see a physio pretty soon I guess before I cripple myself and end up an inmate at one of Rodder's Flid Camps.
Not going to run today to give the hip a bit of respite so will do my Thursday bonkers run tomorrow - 45 minutes with 24 minutes at alternating 1/2 marathon/marathon/10k pace at one minute intervals. Reading that it's no flipping wonder my head hurts, how I'm meant to monitor that one I don't know - will probably just run and then see if by some flook my gremlin tells me I've done what it said on the tin.
Well I'm going now as can't think of anything quite as rambling and off the wall as Rodders to put here.
That said I'll leave you with a question: Cat burgers - tomato ketchup or brown sauce? Answers on a postcard to ...
You were averaging 8 miles per hour to my 7 - in other words you were doing 7.5 minute miles and I was doing 8.5 minute miles.
Anyway, enough of the numbers, plodded semi successfully for 65 minutes last night. The air was quite clammy although the intermitent rain provided welcome relief. Rodders sailed round whereas my hip creaked and groaned (as did my bowels at one point).
Today am feeling pretty tired and have a bad headache which I think is hydration related so am pouring water down my neck. Hip is also hurting a bit (more of an ache than a hurt really) so I need to bite the bullet and go see a physio pretty soon I guess before I cripple myself and end up an inmate at one of Rodder's Flid Camps.
Not going to run today to give the hip a bit of respite so will do my Thursday bonkers run tomorrow - 45 minutes with 24 minutes at alternating 1/2 marathon/marathon/10k pace at one minute intervals. Reading that it's no flipping wonder my head hurts, how I'm meant to monitor that one I don't know - will probably just run and then see if by some flook my gremlin tells me I've done what it said on the tin.
Well I'm going now as can't think of anything quite as rambling and off the wall as Rodders to put here.
That said I'll leave you with a question: Cat burgers - tomato ketchup or brown sauce? Answers on a postcard to ...
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Just copying Dave - and some usual random stuff.
Phew, here's mine Dave.
Lap(#) Time(m:s) Distance(mi ) M Spd(mph)
1 2:32 0.25 6.8
2 2:25 0.25 7.9
3 2:38 0.25 6.7
4 2:29 0.25 7.5
5 2:43 0.25 7.1
6 2:36 0.25 8.5
7 2:43 0.25 7.3
8 2:24 0.25 8.1
9 2:20 0.25 7.4
10 2:21 0.25 8.0
Don't think I'll be blogging that every time I do the splits (lol) WAY too much effort. Think my times are pretty consistent and, as expected, slower than Dave's.
Just looking outside now, and it doesn't seem appealing to go running tonight, in the rain, AGAIN. D'you think it might be nice, but not TOO warm, just for once, at some point? Although, for those of you who haven't done it, running in the rain can be quite nice. But never decide to have puddle fights with your running buddies when you've got to get in the car and drive home - unless of course you take some spare clothes with you (and like getting undressed in carparks ahem......)
Anyhoo, as Dave mentioned, it's the 60 something minute run tonight (i'll find out when I get there) In the rain. Better dig the waterproofs out....Whoopy Dooo!!!!!!!!
Oh, and Dave's not the only one eating like a pig. I feel some self-control is in order. Less crap more good stuff - i'll attempt it but where's the fun in that?
And one last thing, don't eat dog or cat burgers, even if someone else makes it for you.
Thats it for now.
Lap(#) Time(m:s) Distance(mi ) M Spd(mph)
1 2:32 0.25 6.8
2 2:25 0.25 7.9
3 2:38 0.25 6.7
4 2:29 0.25 7.5
5 2:43 0.25 7.1
6 2:36 0.25 8.5
7 2:43 0.25 7.3
8 2:24 0.25 8.1
9 2:20 0.25 7.4
10 2:21 0.25 8.0
Don't think I'll be blogging that every time I do the splits (lol) WAY too much effort. Think my times are pretty consistent and, as expected, slower than Dave's.
Just looking outside now, and it doesn't seem appealing to go running tonight, in the rain, AGAIN. D'you think it might be nice, but not TOO warm, just for once, at some point? Although, for those of you who haven't done it, running in the rain can be quite nice. But never decide to have puddle fights with your running buddies when you've got to get in the car and drive home - unless of course you take some spare clothes with you (and like getting undressed in carparks ahem......)
Anyhoo, as Dave mentioned, it's the 60 something minute run tonight (i'll find out when I get there) In the rain. Better dig the waterproofs out....Whoopy Dooo!!!!!!!!
Oh, and Dave's not the only one eating like a pig. I feel some self-control is in order. Less crap more good stuff - i'll attempt it but where's the fun in that?
And one last thing, don't eat dog or cat burgers, even if someone else makes it for you.
Thats it for now.
great north run,
Split times & why the frig am I so hungry!?
Finally got round to downloading my Gremlin and am pretty chuffed with the split times for my reps on Tuesday.
Lap(#)Time(m:s)Distance(mi )M Spd(mph)
1 2:03 0.25 8.5
3 2:11 0.25 7.5
5 2:14 0.25 7.4
7 2:18 0.25 6.8
9 2:18 0.25 7.2
11 2:20 0.25 7.0
13 2:23 0.25 7.2
15 2:23 0.25 6.9
17 2:20 0.25 7.3
19 2:23 0.25 7.4
Not that consistent and slightly too fast but a pretty good effort from a plodder I think.
As for the food, just put it in front of me and I'll eat it! Obviously upped my training to the point where my body is crying for fuel. Not sure how long I can fob it off with junk so might need to enlist Emma (Encyclopedia Brittanica) Copson to tell me what I need to be eating so that my stomach stops grumbling but I don't turn into a spotty bloater.
And on that note i'm going to munch on a banana before heading out to meet Rodders at the club for a 65 minute bimble.
Lap(#)Time(m:s)Distance(mi )M Spd(mph)
1 2:03 0.25 8.5
3 2:11 0.25 7.5
5 2:14 0.25 7.4
7 2:18 0.25 6.8
9 2:18 0.25 7.2
11 2:20 0.25 7.0
13 2:23 0.25 7.2
15 2:23 0.25 6.9
17 2:20 0.25 7.3
19 2:23 0.25 7.4
Not that consistent and slightly too fast but a pretty good effort from a plodder I think.
As for the food, just put it in front of me and I'll eat it! Obviously upped my training to the point where my body is crying for fuel. Not sure how long I can fob it off with junk so might need to enlist Emma (Encyclopedia Brittanica) Copson to tell me what I need to be eating so that my stomach stops grumbling but I don't turn into a spotty bloater.
And on that note i'm going to munch on a banana before heading out to meet Rodders at the club for a 65 minute bimble.
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Rainy Runner
I've been out and done my reps as well. I went to Fog Lane Park, when I got there it was a little bit drizzly, and half the way through the reps it was p-ing down. I've rarely got so many weird looks - notice i say rarely, it has happened before.
Anyway, I was supposed to do 10 minutes warm up, but to be honest, i was just so desperate to get it all over and done with that i only did 6 mins. OOOooohhh, does that make me a bad person? No, thought not.
The deal was 10 x 400m reps at sub 10 minute pace with 1 minute recovery intervals. The first few, I'll be truthful, were horrible. No other word to describe them. I've got 2 mile legs and until then I can feel every single footfall, especially on my right. I even broke the habit of a - well not lifetime - but running lifetime and had a stretch after my warm up. Helped a little.
The last 4 reps were good, felt like I'd just got used to them. I have no idea how long they took me because stupidly I hadn't set the gremlin to tell me the pace. It's bound to be slower than Dave's though, cos I'm a short-arse. And lazy.
When I work out the miles per minute - I'll write it up.
Just to be a complete rebel, I didn't do a cool-down, I went shopping at Tesco in Burnage instead. The 30 minute walk was just as good and I got some lovely stuff for tea. 2 birds - one stone!!!! Good Times!!!
Anyway, I was supposed to do 10 minutes warm up, but to be honest, i was just so desperate to get it all over and done with that i only did 6 mins. OOOooohhh, does that make me a bad person? No, thought not.
The deal was 10 x 400m reps at sub 10 minute pace with 1 minute recovery intervals. The first few, I'll be truthful, were horrible. No other word to describe them. I've got 2 mile legs and until then I can feel every single footfall, especially on my right. I even broke the habit of a - well not lifetime - but running lifetime and had a stretch after my warm up. Helped a little.
The last 4 reps were good, felt like I'd just got used to them. I have no idea how long they took me because stupidly I hadn't set the gremlin to tell me the pace. It's bound to be slower than Dave's though, cos I'm a short-arse. And lazy.
When I work out the miles per minute - I'll write it up.
Just to be a complete rebel, I didn't do a cool-down, I went shopping at Tesco in Burnage instead. The 30 minute walk was just as good and I got some lovely stuff for tea. 2 birds - one stone!!!! Good Times!!!
great north run,
half marathon,
Reps Day
So, today was reps day - 10 x 400mtrs at 10k pace (sub 10 min mile) with 1 minute walk breaks and I did it!!!
Well, nearly :o$
What I actually did was the first 5 x 400mtrs with 1 minute rests then had a 2 minute rest did 3 more reps had another 2 minute rest then finished as per the schedule. Gremlin reports I did a total of 3.12 miles in 32 minutes so think overall I managed it and am v.chuffed with myself.
So come on Rodders - the gauntlet is laid down ;o}
Well, nearly :o$
What I actually did was the first 5 x 400mtrs with 1 minute rests then had a 2 minute rest did 3 more reps had another 2 minute rest then finished as per the schedule. Gremlin reports I did a total of 3.12 miles in 32 minutes so think overall I managed it and am v.chuffed with myself.
So come on Rodders - the gauntlet is laid down ;o}
great north run,
half marathon,
Sunday, August 03, 2008
Please sponsor us @
If we don't get at least £300 sponsorship, Rodders won't be able to run it, this is because she is running for Epilepsy Research UK as she didn't get chosen for a place in her own right, unlike Dave.
So, spare a fiver? a tenner? more? Give's a hand and we'll post a lovely sweaty pic of us at the finishing line - guaranteed!!!!!
What are you waiting for?
If we don't get at least £300 sponsorship, Rodders won't be able to run it, this is because she is running for Epilepsy Research UK as she didn't get chosen for a place in her own right, unlike Dave.
So, spare a fiver? a tenner? more? Give's a hand and we'll post a lovely sweaty pic of us at the finishing line - guaranteed!!!!!
What are you waiting for?
great north run,
half marathon,
Sunday 03/08/08
We've gone out on our Sunday morning run as usual, according to our training schedule we were supposed to do 75-80 minutes, but due to the fact that neither of us read it, we both agreed that we had read 70 minutes.
Runners this morning were Rodders, Dave, Sgt. Major Copson, The Welsh Impostor and that woman that we don't remember who she is but Sgt Major Copson keeps inviting her and her husband brings a huge dog.
So, we ran around Chorlton Water Park, up to Jacksons boat bridge, round the Ees, through a bit of Sale water Park, then back down the Mersey (the route is on Motionbased - the joys of Garmin gremlin technology!!) In 73 minutes, we completed 6.2 miles, the pace was slightly slower than we wanted but it was supposed to be 11.00 - 12.00 minute mile pace so we did alright. Was a good run, felt quite easy - wasn't too hot a day which was also nice - it's great not to be too sweaty and hot. Felt like we could have run more, but we're sticking to the RW training schedule.Had a lovely stretch in our special stretchy hideaway, then back to my car for tea in my car cafe, and since it was the Welsh Impostors birthday, we also treated ourselves to a teeny bit of birthday cake!!
Runners this morning were Rodders, Dave, Sgt. Major Copson, The Welsh Impostor and that woman that we don't remember who she is but Sgt Major Copson keeps inviting her and her husband brings a huge dog.
So, we ran around Chorlton Water Park, up to Jacksons boat bridge, round the Ees, through a bit of Sale water Park, then back down the Mersey (the route is on Motionbased - the joys of Garmin gremlin technology!!) In 73 minutes, we completed 6.2 miles, the pace was slightly slower than we wanted but it was supposed to be 11.00 - 12.00 minute mile pace so we did alright. Was a good run, felt quite easy - wasn't too hot a day which was also nice - it's great not to be too sweaty and hot. Felt like we could have run more, but we're sticking to the RW training schedule.Had a lovely stretch in our special stretchy hideaway, then back to my car for tea in my car cafe, and since it was the Welsh Impostors birthday, we also treated ourselves to a teeny bit of birthday cake!!
great north run,
Sunday 03/08/08
So Dave and I have stupidly decided to do another half marathon. This time we're doing the Great North Run In October.
We've decided to blog our training so that we can keep ourselves motivated and also to give us a bit of a giggle, cos we're weird like that!!!
So, we've got a 10k (Great Yorkshire) in 5 weeks to look forward to, then the real deal just a month afterwards. We're going to try our best to keep on track until then.
Maybe one day we'll do a full marathon - but I doubt it lol!!!!
We've decided to blog our training so that we can keep ourselves motivated and also to give us a bit of a giggle, cos we're weird like that!!!
So, we've got a 10k (Great Yorkshire) in 5 weeks to look forward to, then the real deal just a month afterwards. We're going to try our best to keep on track until then.
Maybe one day we'll do a full marathon - but I doubt it lol!!!!
great north run,
half marathon,
Saturday, August 02, 2008
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