Thursday, March 18, 2010

Starting Blocks!

Dave and I are off for a bimble in Manchester tomorrow morning, I'm off work and Dave has to work so we're doing it mega early. 7am to be precise. Looking forward to it. I've done 2 bodypump classes in a row, and ache. But i'll do it. Dave's had a run this week, i've had a half hour treadmill run. We've had a look at the runners world training plan for a sub-2.15 Half Marathon and we're going to start it from Sunday. That should be fun!!

I have an appointment at a physio tomorrow to FINALLY get my achilles (if that's the real problem) sorted out. Yay!!

'Bout time too!!

Laters, Rodders x


Dave said...

As I can't remember how to sign in I have to comment instead.
I had a lovely run this morning at exactly 7am. Did you Rodders ;oD

Rodders and Dave said...

As usual i was still in bed, can't believe i fell back to sleep. Ooops!!! I did a short one, cos i was all hurty. x